We never really worry about security, The groups we hang with usually do some crazy crap. They come by and warn us but we carry on. 34 or 35 trips...
34 times to TTR and never a bad time. Vacations are like life if you want to have fun no one can stop you.
We'll be there the 18th thru the 25th. Can hardly wait to see everyone especially Bambi's tan lines. We'll have a blast, counting down to the...
Doc We booked the wrong month, my bad. We were wanting to hang with you guys again. Let us know when your going back again. Halloween was a blast
It seems like time is standing still. We can'T wait for vacation May 18th seems like a life time away. I knew I should have booked April also. 5...
The drinking version of spades. We're in ,should get really interesting especially the late night version
Clothing Opt., I don't know, I enbarrace really easy. Kay would love it. Body shots nude oh wow I'm already blushing.
Jamie Oh mayor of TTR don't forget us in the line up for May. See you there brother.
I can promise there will be plenty of crown and if we run out I know where to get more. Just show up and be ready to have a blast If we don't...
May will be awsome, we're just all awsome. Get ready to party hard. Kay and I are there may 18th thru 25th. Before we go any further I want to say...
It ain't stressful, just life brother. In just 40 hrs we're gonna be toe up from the flo up. Vacation is great can't wait
I Don't fight fire, I only do Hazmat. But I won't hold it against ya.ll lets party
We don't care what happens with the weather. See everyone about noon saturday. Lets all party together. We only bite if you want us too....
We all now that Chinos is gone for now and I don't like it one bit. We've been to TTR 33 times some with Chinos there some when he was gone. The...
Timmy We'll see you there, can't wait to see ya'll again. Get ready to party hard
One week and we are ready to get crazy. this is to everyone, if we do anything to embarrass or upset anyone we apologize in advance but you are...
"Ready2party Hey guys Let do it we'll see you guys at the sexy pool about noon. If we don't see you first come on over and we'll party like crazy.
Ready to party hard, make more friends. we'll get to TTR about noon on the 29th. Hope everyone is ready to have a blast.
We're ready to be at TTR. Only 23 more days to go till party hard and well what else happens will be a blast. See everyone on the 29th
Well were going back for halloween and as much as we like chinos we'll wait and see how much fun it is there. ( we go 4- 5 times a year) If it's...