wow same age as us well myself Gilles 40 since feb. and Amy 39 since june, should be an awesome party
we get there on the 6th around 2pm, we'll make sure to find you guys at the sexy pool that afternoon and say Hi, oh and have a drink of course lol
we love making new friends, witch date are you guys getting to ttr?
No worries about that as you will never be pushed by anyone to do so and will not ever feel uncomfortable with it on or off so go at your own...
what a coincidence, 24 bottles of beer in a case and 24 days till I go have beer in the sexy pool, can't get here fast enough.
will see you there for our last 2 days, have a great time
28 more days before getting nekkid in the sports pool woohoo
Wille see you there only on your last full day as we arrive on the 6th around noon, keep us a spot at the sexy pool for 1ish lol
Sure does
When we went last September it was hit or miss, some nights after the music was done we would have a bunch of naked people in the pool and some...
another long 31 days then it's party time at the sexy pool.
Well we only been to ttr once before and I have to say we had just as much fun with single guys there then with couples but there was no groups of...
Unfortunately we get there on the 6th and leave on the 13th so no cruise for us this year but at least we were fortunate enough to do it last...
see you there
we will help you ring in your birthday lol
we'll help everyone ring in there birthday lol
37 more days, can't wait to party
will be there from the 6th to the 13th, can't wait to meet all you guys, we wish all of you guys a great time
wich night is rave night?
see you guys there, we are going on sept.6th to 13th