Going December 14-21 :daveandmo: Cannot wait!
I know, gonna be awesome-- gonna have to have some birthday shots for you!!lol
I booked a trip for my boyfriend and I and he does not know-- I am telling him the night before.We only go up on the 14th of December tho
Going December 14-21- Looking for some fun in the sun!
I just did the same for April after reading this thread and would you believe the prices at TTR came down quite a bit, we can now go flight...
There will always be some jerks out there but that makes you appreciate the good people even more because of idiots like him, most guests at TTR...
12 hours and we will be landing in Mexico
I'm no good at it do to lack of practice but will definitely try at least for the 3 oclock games as I will probably be still sleeping at 11
I'll save your favorite stool for you as I will be there Friday aroud 1ish so I'll get to use that special stool at least for a day or two, just...
2 days that's all I have to say lol
3 days of work to go and then off to the sexy pool we go
I guess if you want the white and red one you have to wait for Christmas season to come around at the dollar store lol
I can't believe no one as snatched the last 3 spots available, someone will be missing out on the best party all week, well were pumped to be on...
8 more days, this will one hell of a long week
Glad you noticed Steve, for the most part Cancuncare is a awsome place to meet and have fun discussions with like minded party people and most of...
Same, big hottub would be great but asside from that the rest is perfect
you guys are lucky we have to wait 11 more days:aetsch022:
Hey Jersey I bet we will have a rough flight home the next day cause this will be one hell of a party
I knew we were going to make it to 65, 3 more to go, don't miss your chance, I bet the 3 remaining spots will be gone by the end of the night.
I'm sure 11 more people will sign up, it's going to be crazy as hell OH YEAH!!!!