-26 f ( - 32 c Monique ) & dropping!! Sue got us booked!! Trip #10 .See you crazy people 5th thru 14th .....
Lol Woody balmy -18 f here today headed to -38 f tonight !! Is it April yet !!
There's fishing there too!!! Lol You will have a blast .10 trips for us , April addicts are the best.
7 days to go , just checked Cancun weather already more than 80 degrees warmer than here ( -9 F) !! We are sooo ready !!! Having a hard time...
We got ours last week all the way up here in Alaska !! lol
ONLY ONE ???????? lol I like squeaky Monique ....
Snowing AGAIN !!! 10 more days to go to sunshine & fun !!! Trying to get psyched up for 16+ hour flt down..Somebody have some drinks ready when we...