Still holding out hope Jim makes it & TTR hasn't double booked the broom closet too ..haha
Was hoping my advanced age would fool U into thinking it would be safe !!lol
Lost that bet to Sue she said U would be on it under 5 Woody probally snores like hell anyway.....
We have a king bed room so we could probally take Kim & get Woody to take Bruce ..LOL I'm sure our group can figure it out & most of us are up...
Looks like we miss you. I'm trying to get Mike & D to join the Addicts next year.. That was a nasty looking fall from the pics...
We are using Alaska Air miles but fly American from Seattle to Cancun still not fun anymore with connections & layovers..Still think it's worth it ...
Hear that we leave Fairbanks at 5pm on the 12th getting in at 230pm the 13th Cancun.At least Susan got us in the front of bus on every leg this...
I'm still going with maybe all the flights from Ohio will get cancelled & save U
Not afraid of it ,more like SURE of it !!lol
We also like what it does to U !!haha Yes its very rare to see U drinking LMAO What brand is it U like ?
LOL Steve spearing ,shooting & clubing halibut I love, it boats ($$$$$) I hate !! Hope at some point this trip we get to say hi to you & Jannet....
What U talking bout Grannie??? Haha Sorry going to miss this one we have friend who doesn't do well on boats so figured we'd do Tulum..Besides I...
Used to have a direct flt from seattle to Cancun on Alaska Airlines but sadly no longer....
haha Alaska to Seattle, Seattle to Dallas ,Dallas to Miami, Miami to Cancun = NEED a few drinks !!! Sure we will have decent crowd on the 14th to...
Kim was already fun ..does not need sambucca !!haha
Hey Tina it is a anise(liquorice flavored ) drink that turn nice girls into fun girls !!lol The bottle we have been drinking say 42% alcohol by...
If it's too much to handle Dave U can leave Sue XX with us !!!lol
haha Don't think we are going on 19th booze cruise we are going to Tulum on 19th with Ed Sixt and a few others I think....
Maybe all the flts from Ohio will get cancelled !!LOl Where is your older sister ?haven't heard from her in a while... Really looking forward to...
We will be out by the pool on the 14th come say hi , will buy you a drink !!!Figured after 16.5 hr flt and I'm sure too much drinking the first...