$166 /night??? Where? That does seem to be a good rate...very good actually.
If we get the Ottawa area meet n greet off the ground and doable...jello shots have to be a part of it :)
I may have tried a few things in our illustrious TTR past... ;)
If you double or triple the jello (depending on your alcohol / water ratio) they will set in the mini fridge no problem. If you think double /...
I am still trying to get used to me wearing thongs...having a hard time with the dental floss up my butt ;) Scott
Please do :) WIll send you a pm with my email...gimme 2 secs
Quote: Originally Posted by JanScott [IMG] That would be depend on the venue I would imagine. Not sure if too many establishments...
I am a pretentious, uptight and snotty asshole at home and a nice guy at TTR...well not really, I am me both at home and at TTR. Scares the hell...
So much better than my 23 Margaritas that I seem to squeeze down in the first 4 hours of arrival...must be that damn cold beer they feed us when...
Around the corner works and I plan on it :) Keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed that this works out!
More the merrier :)
Liar ;)
That too :) Especially since I am a cheap bastard...errrr make that frugal, lol.
As smokers who respect non-smokers we try to not let our bad habit cause discomfort to others and that applies while we are at TTR as well. Vaping...
And house parties can be crazier than a club, lol.
Since your doing laundry already and I (Scott) need my beauty sleep would it be ok if I leave a bag or 2 of laundry with you? ;) You know I...
When I started this thread I wanted to see the interest level for a Ottawa area meet n greet but I wanted to keep the date / venue open to a group...
So I guess that means Saran Wrap is out :(
3 AM ??? And I thought I was crazy for doing laundry on vacation ;)
We used to do our laundry at the laundromat beside TTR (by the store to just to the left of the resort as you exit TTR) but it is closed now :(...