:clappyinghappy: be great to see you pair again. Lynfa x
I'll try and remember the c&o crisps lol. Lynfa x
Wondered if you were lurking lol :lurking: Lynfa x
Hiya, We've always taken US $ but I can't remember why, we have to take Mexican peso this year. Not sure if it's a UK thing or what. Will have a...
You have to make it as we missed Paul's birthday last year as Les passed out! We need to celebrate twice lol. Be fab to see you both, lying on the...
Ha you're very brave on text Mr Hawkins! Wait till I get home later lol. Lynfa x
I lost a flip flop last time lol. Lynfa x
Can I (les) just remind everyone that Lynfa and I have a very different sense of humour to our American friends. When you hear lynfa saying to me...
Lynfa and I can't agree on what t-shirts to buy. I have taste and she has none so I think I should pick them lol
Looking forward to seeing you steve butty Les
Our paypal went weird, so we just re done it by Visa. Panic over lol. We normally have Rainbow day by the pool, we just all wear rainbow...
Les is going to pay ours now. Yay xxx Lynfa x
Have Paul & Liz confirmed dates yet? Last year the trip out was for Paul's birthday. Lynfa x
Someone will buy for you and you have to buy for someone else. Mel and Ron will mail you and let you know who you have to buy for, but you can't...
4 weeks tomorrow we leave for the airport...takes us 3 hrs to airport then 11 hr flight... aaahhhhh the wait is ssssoooo long. Lynfa x
Sadly you will miss mayhem week as it's the 1st week on May. Some of us will still be there when you arrive though. Lynfa x
I ment that YOU are the reason we come to TTR x