I never got one the first time. (feeling left out,lol)
Was it really a fall or just a quick dip in the dogs water bowl?? I mean things were really "Hot" there at the table,lol
You are a trip on Fireball!!!! :drunk:
that would be awsome!!!!!! Hey, I need my necklace,lol:beer4:
You cant say you drank all day if you dont start first thing in the morning.. A-hole and coke with breakfast!!
I dint have the pics of the crime, but I do have pictures of the crime scene
I hear tropical camo is a good outfit for Patio's plant dancing!! You will blend right in.
Well we dont need a reason to drink,lol.. Our friends have Harleys, is that close enough??
Ellie May is bringing a friend with her this year also!!!
You better be bringing Walter.. Ellie may has not seen her man in a year!!!
Yes Brandi!!! And Fireball Wiskey!!! Ask Lauri about that and new years eve. I had to hide all the planters. :sauer005:
Steve. Lisa and I will like to go on the 18th. Dont get in until late on the 14th so this is the only viable option for us.
Brent & Kells, I usually get up and go out early for the chairs. That is one of the advantages to the room right outside Patio's, walk right out...
Nashville is awsome, especially when Brandi and Craig are your tour guides. Grande fiesta pantalonies
I am the one with the Gentleman Jack, Craig drinks them Johnny appleseeds!! There will definately be "extra" alcohol!!!! :headbanger:
Has anyone ever had anyone do some "shopping" for them to have it there when you check in?? I would like to be able to order a few cases of beer...
This is exactley what I say after a few drinks!!
Does it look like this one?? -[IMG]
Lenni, we are in PA about 1 hour south of Harrisburg, 1.5 hours west of Philadelphia. Will you be down this way, love to buy you dinner!!!