We are booked for 18th to 28th. But thinking about extending it for Halloween maybe!!???.
I agree it's like a Xmas eve ...:cheerleaders:
3 more full day's of work left . trying to pack all the work in 3 day's. . If I couldn't get it done it will be there when we get back hell with...
Do you want to enjoy your vacation! !?? Than no tattoo for you. .. It will stay with you long time get it done professionally. Just a 2 cent.
Will see you guy's in a few short day's. . Looks like just a 1 day in October we are there 19th to 29th :beer4:
Hi guy's welcome to forums. -;))
Woww only 5 day's work left after don't care what happens for 10 days at least.
Finally we are at the single digits as well can't wait to get there this is going to be a good vacation. .and over due ..13th come on quickly
You got that right. .straight those none party people at TTR Donald. . April is going to rock again. Again and again. All drinks are on Donald....
Wtf.. doesn't resort understand that the they have to check with Donald b4 any changes comes? ? I say Donald for President. ... I.:beer4:
are we going to have pictures taken every night? ? Was wondering. Not that matter I probably would be too drunk and forget about it...
Need to get more clothing? ??? I just hope that Terri doesn't see this comment . She will justify ordering more things on line again. .suit...
Yeyyy same as ours. .:ernaehrung015:
Well it's been a productive night so far.Terri is getting all her dresses and bikinis out and trying it . Must be getting close for ttr. 17 days...
Text will show like any other normal time u text. However if u make a call u might have to dial extra numbers! !??. But they still won't have any...
1877 485 8367
Just have to wait till the 13th I guess. Really I wouldn't call that a costume. ..more like a jewelry. But will see I guess. .:huepfen013:
Can't wait till 3 week's from now we will be at pattyo dressed sexy and having blast. .. I was going to put up Terris costume for Wednesday...