Ok, so I'm a little behind this year on themes... We will be there from May 25th - June 3rd... Our group is a little smaller this year with the...
I can't remember exactly, but I know we did our own "Red White and Blue day" on Memorial Day which makes sense, They changed their theme to...
Sometimes the hotel changes the themes for Memorial Day weekend. Also, our group (probably not as big this year) changes one or two of the theme...
May 25 - June 3. Looking forward to seeing old and new friends.
We missed last year. We are booking the 25th - 3rd. Hopefully the wife's internship doesn't get pushed back. We definitely need this one.
After looking at roll calls for other months, I just want to thank you for all your work Jamie. I don't even want to look at other roll calls...
I remember some guys kept throwing a football in the pool, the second time it hit me, I threw it on the roof of Margarita's lol.
Lisa and the girls from our group of 20 or so change up some of the nights. They've talked a little but nothing set yet. Maybe in another month or...
to see me dressed like an idiot - Tony
Made it official today, we booked our trip!! Same dates as we said before May 19-28. Cannot wait to party with everyone again this year!!!
I can only imagine the types of scumbags among the 10,000 followers of this slob are going to see beautiful topless women at Temptation and book a...
We're looking at May 19-28th.. Hopefully booking this up coming week!
Our first trip it took me until day 2 to go topless. I needed to ease into it. Even with my top on though I had fun and didnt feel out of place....
Had an amazing trip with everyone again this year! Pictures coming soon. Sad to be back home but I'm exhausted!!! lol until next Memorial Week...
I'll be about 75 Coors Lights in by then
why doesn't Pitbull ever do Slayer songs?
I was actually gonna write that if you did get the black bracelet to message me and not post it, lol
Seems like the thread got hijacked by people not actually interested in answering your actual question. That being said..... has anyone ever...
Our group, about 24 or so are doing our own themes for some nights. They are posted on the Roll Call for May. But here's is what we're doing if...
we're May 21-29th