Can you explain how women think?
Zambrano hasn't pitched well in a while. gonna be tough for the Cubbies.
and all canadian teams.
I'm sure millions of 4-year olds were watching the episode, all of them saw it, registered it, and were either scarred for life or will suddenly...
you'll be there. we've all known it since March. you couldn't live with the idea that they were all partying and you were sitting in Indiana...
The Halftime Show act has nothing to do with who is at the game. The NFL and the networks do not make their money off of who is at the game....
sure.. why not.... reserve my stein.
660???? that's crazy!!!
wow. I used to live in Gwinnett County, GA... perhaps I've eaten Awful House food, smothered, covered and chunked... prepared by him and...
nancy grace is ridiculous and turns everything into a tabloid story. she's a female geraldo rivera with a really annoying voice and manner....
second pitcher to hit a grand slam against the mets this year. marquis has always been able to hit... just like big Z. unfortunately he...
Re: must suck having to choose Only a Pats fan would say that the Super Bowl was stolen ...from a team that has been cheating for years to...
boo to both of them. hopefully the mets finally win some games at turner field. 0-6 so far this year.
I miss Bridget.
Jason's preggers?
I prefer waking up to that other thing you do.