Esther and I are playing it by ear right now. It's starting to look like this whole thing was blown out of proportion by the media for whatever...
Esther(azlatina) and I have separate names. I do 99.789432608412678123% of the posting.
There's also a couple of stores in the immediate area around the resort. If memory serves me right, there's a place directly across the street (or...
Esther (azlatina) and I are coming out May 28th through June 2nd. We're dead set on going since we had to skip our March trip.
Other tips: 1. Drink a lot. 2. Eat the burgers at 3am... Lot's of them. 3. Let your hair down and forget about wherever you came from.
go to the airport early. ... VERY Early.
Re: Burgers see... there you go again with the burgers... I just read that and had a phantom burger scent waft in front of me.
Re: Smell I remember the last time we went, we had some stuff still in the suitcase a month after we got back. I decided to un-lazy myself and...
Re: I have to admit! Updated pics .. On Webshots on my signa tell me about it... We were supposed to go back a few weeks ago only to miss...
sigh... We held out until the last minute, but we can't go due to a medical issue. Now we're looking at June.
I hope everything works in our favor tomorrow. I'll be back here around 1pm AZ time (looks like we're on Pacific time) to give a final yea or nay....
is there a deadline to sign up? I'll know 100% sure if we're coming out monday afternoon.
hahaha Rare Reserve is REAL liquor of the absolute lowest caliber. They have a whiskey, vodka, and I believe gin as well. This stuff is lower...
[img] I have half a mind to get a t-shirt made with that pic just for TTR. (... we aren't really... it's been discussed tho)
that means I should start drinking Circle K's Rare Reserve Rotgut Vomit Swill Whiskey right about now, just so there's no whiskey shock that first...
how late can we add our names? just wondering, things are taking a turn for the better and I don't wanna miss out if we do make it (should know...
hope returns... funny... I heard a report on NPR this morning that some Mexican officials are pissed about this travel advisory business,...
Out last time at BBG there was a good number of topless women on the dance floor.
oh yeah... they were new and still in the packaging. they also stole a pair of her shoes.
to all of you that posted "toys", it might be worth the potential embarassment to take them in a carry-on. Our first trip to BBG/TTR in '07 our...