a crown royal bag for the gent. :D
I sure hope its isolated. Since we missed going this march AND may/jun, we're really looking forward to coming out again. I'm not gonna lie, if I...
Wife and I are looking at getting a group trip together for our return in March 2010, but after reading a number of posts, I think I'm going to...
you... over in the corner... hush with all that "don't drink too early" talk... DRINK AT 8AM!!! At least that's how we did it. Mimosa with...
Re: and then sounds like you guys might want to bring a bottle with you to the resort. That's what I'm going to do 'cause I just fell in...
Re: What are the extras we have to pay for at an ALL INCLUSI With the possible exception of Le Blanc (don't quote me on that...), I think...
sounds like someone has been drinking the Haterade from big gallon jugs. Chinos is one of the biggest reasons a lot of people come back to TTR....
The first time we went, there was a large group from Korea there. The next time, there was only a few. Really, though, what does it...
TTR is the kind of place where it can be as wild or mild as you're comfortable with. Don't worry, go and have fun with your girls.
I agree with pretty much everyone here. Our first trip to TTR we got there pretty late (not intentionally, long story), so we didn't really get...
take the plunge, stay there for at least a few days. After the first day or so, you'll probably stay there the entire two weeks.
Esther (azlatina) won the first time we got there. She almost didn't do it, and my shorts weren't "sexy" enough to get me into the contest....
Re: biz as usual hmmm... how's the weather around then? I seem to remember that being part of hurricane season... If we were to go around...
Esther and I have been waiting for things to pick back up again before we go back to TTR. We were supposed to go last month, but with the whole...
Esther and I discussed it again today, we're shooting for June 20th-24th (slight change in plans). That's Father's Day weekend tho... How many...
Re: Liquors meh... I've had worse than the low-budget stuff at TTR when I was younger (Popov & Mohawk gin and vodka, Ten High whiskey,...
that's an excellent question. I LOVE TTR to death... or what it used to be anyways. The burgers, boobies, the event staff... Even the smell of...
Re: Liquors there's a liquor store right across the street. You could also take the bus into town to WalMart.
from what I understand, it's now middle of the road stuff. All I care about is the Jim Beam. Granted, I'd prefer Jim Black, Jack, or something...
Re: Temptations in June check your PM's.