how's this? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[img] sadly, these are glass only...
oh yeah... a word of warning to everyone: NEVER mix Tylenol (acetominophen) and alcohol, it does horrible stuff to your liver....
BAH!!! and so far I've been quite resistant to joining FaceBook... Maybe I'll just have the missus use her FB account...
I think I've figured out a non-kamikazi way of doing it (I'll be testing it out in Feb for our tentative March trip) Buy middle of the road...
pics in my signature. Not the best as they were taken with my phone, but pics they are.
by all means, switch to TTR if you can.
1. Check your PM's. 2. Where are you flying in from? I prefer non-stop flights 'cause I don't like dealing with the hassle of switching...
I'll check the calendar, but I THINK we'll be there around that time. We're going during the kids spring break and it might be a bit earlier than...
best to grab a $15 pair of khakis from wallyworld before you go. I pack 'em for that reason only.
double post...
There's pros and cons to this debate. Personally, I don't mind cameras unless the person behind it is being a creepy perv. If you want a pic, ask...
hate to say it, but it happens a lot. We had a pair of my wife's heels and some sex toys stolen from our luggage on our first trip to TTR (back...
God I wish it was me...