We have arrived at Temptation from 7am to 6pm. The safe option is definitely coming in later but, thanks to the airline's bullshit pricing games...
The Miss Temptation contest isn't a beauty pageant style competition, although looks definitely help, rather it's about "talent". There are...
No problem here. We usually don't wake up until the entertainment staff cranks up at the sexy pool and wakes us up. Of course, we rarely go to bed...
Oh, I'll coordinate but I am NOT wearing a Borat sling. A man has to draw the line somewhere and retain at least a tiny shred of his dignity.
I agree. I love Steve but this thread was not one of his better ideas. I don't even discuss politics with my family. I'm surely not going to do it...
Something like that. :3some:
I sure hope you washed it because I don't recall any ice buckets. Why would there be if there aren't any ice machines? Speaking of ice stuff...
No ice machines. You have to take you zip-loc bags to a bar and have the bartender fill it for you. They have always been glad to do it for me.
Blondie's coworker just had hers done. The procedure was on a Friday and she was supposed to be back to work on Tuesday but it ended up being...
We heard that there was another death last week as well. A person drowned in the sexy pool after passing out from too much booze. I have...
We take gallon size Zip-Loc freezer bags and I always keep one full of ice in the freezer in the mini-fridge. It's a snug fit but it does fit. We...
We will be there when youtwo get there. It will be like a do over for Halloween after I wrecked myself and our trip.
Our first trip was in May. The weather is great, our friends are there and it's just what we do. We have been invited to join the June Junkies as...
We'll be looking for your TR. Have fun!
We have tried guilt trips, bribery, coercion and shameless begging but nothing has budged them from their late May faux pax.
Yeah, Tangaland has some "out there" men's wear but great stuff for the ladies.
Cheers! Happy Fireball Friday everyone. Only 8 more months...ugghh. Good thing we have May! :aktion033:
We're in. It's been a while since we got in FBF.
That's where we order almost all of Blondie's suits from. They are good quality, in fact, they seem to be more durable than MS, the prices are...
Hahaha, I remember meeting you on a bar stool at the Premiere bar and finding a new friend that day.