was going to be my suggestion too. Actually, Amazon has a lot of stuff too but you have to be patient and sift through the crap.
What about when you start the afternoon before? We leave Redding at 4:07pm on the 5th and have a 5 1/2 hour layover at SFO. I wish we had club...
We'll try not to be too drunk by then but we will have a 5 hour head start on you guys. Oh crap, more than that because we are flying first class...
What time do you guys get there?
No, they are bailing on us this year and going at the end of the month. Traitors! LOL
You and that damn Rumpleminz!
I'm sorry, I have been known to wear some pretty risqué shit but that is not risqué, it's just wrong. And I'll leave it at that.
I would be happy to oblige but that would be totally against Steve's rules.
Blondie has the next best thing to being naked, open bottoms. They are just like a micro g-string but without the fabric in the triangle. They are...
Hahaha, good luck with that one! It's taking on a life of it's own and spreading (pun intended) into other months now. Hell, I brought it to H 'n' H.
I'm with you Don. I am very observant about all aspects of a building because I do insurance loss control work and property condition assessments...
I can't wait for the Boobs Cruise reservations shootout. You know shit is real at that point! That being said I fear March is going to be a...
Well, that's just nasty. Most likely fresh water from the pressure side but you never know.
A luge shot is poured into a channel (think luge run) carved into a slab of ice that is tilted up and you drink the shot as it comes out the end....
Sad to say, Blondie has never had a body shot done off of her before either. May will be our 5th trip and she intends to rectify this situation....
Flying out of Redding is expensive but when we looked at SFO prices and factored in 500 miles of driving and the expense of 2 hotel nights in San...
It's going to be another epic May. Let the Mayhem reign you Phuckers!
Awesome. We look forward to meeting you two and having a drink or twenty.
Not this year. Can you imagine? I'm so shocked.
Hey, that's a "premier" room. We usually stay in 3307. Hmmmmm......