Let's push that "Maybe" to a "Yes" and we'll see you on the 26th!
I think that's a good path to take, Steve. Let people read it all and decide for themselves. Censorship looks far worse.
I wrote a lengthy trip report last year after our first trip in early December 2017. I can't seem to figure out how to copy a link to the report,...
Wow--that's a great description. That first sentence is us to a "T".
Great advice, guys. Appreciate the honest (blunt?) tone. Counting down our 60 days remaining.
Just show some class and wear pants, guys. You compliment your woman's outfit and add a more dignified feel to the scene when you dress up a bit....
One of those items that has more than one possible use. Kind of like menthol cough drops.
Going to TTR for the beach is like going to Rome for the pizza.
We bring Woolite packs so we can was stuff like swim suits, undies and socks in the sinks. Then some thin parachute cord to rig up a clothesline...
That’s right! Glad to see you had the same great experience we did! See you guys in 10 weeks!
It's the job of the media to report on problems (violence, drugs, political unrest, danger facing tourists, etc) and scary topics like those tend...
Flashlights from security? Into open windows? That seems over the line.
Very big night and I imagine that has something to do with the fact that it's not hard to come up with good "costumes" that are flattering. That...
Oh man...I walked right into that one, didn't I? Spa facials, you bunch of libertines!
So we're celebrating our anniversary during this next trip and looking for an activity or item to splurge on to mark the occasion. Looking for...
"Alcohol and time." Hell yeah. Can't count the number of situations in my life that this combo has improved.
Yeah—well there’s that.
For sure. Another reason to start your planning early. We returned as much stuff as we kept, last year.
The Pedialyte packets are key for me--and maybe some caffeine pills. I also pack earplugs so I can take a quality nap during the day and...
Right--of course! My mind is mush at that time of day. Thanks for not slamming me with a giant "DUUUUUUUHHH! Every heard of something called...