There seems to be some intrest in a weekend CBC, I actually think it may be more accommodating to some. I know that Waterways does have some 3 day...
It wouldn't be a Boobs Cruise without Lonely Island...
Makes sense, there are a few options as far as days go. And the same goes for boat options. Still open for ideas on how this could be the best...
Actually more like $14,222.73, but you were close.
All are welcome as originally stated in first post of thread. It would be great to get 20 of us on board this beauty.
Shuswap Lake Waterway Marina and Resort The boat we should consider is the one on the home page, sleeps 30 and a 7 day rental runs close to 20...
Let's get dates when its available and go from there, sounds like an amazing boat.
Never thought we'd get this much attention so soon, looks like we have one boat filled already. Time to start doing some homework I guess. This...
Since its been brought up in a previous thread, Michelle and I we're wondering what the consensus is?. The Oakanagan in B.C is a great destination...
Steve, Add us to the BC fror the 19th. Robin and Michelle. ⚓️⛱
They are not fake if there covered in skin.
Our dates have changed.. We are confirmed and booked for Dec 17-27. Tickets purchased and room is booked. Cannot wait to catch up with old friends...
We're booking for Dec 23 to Jan 2nd, never been through Christmas and NYE. Hoping to make lots of new friends.:icon_wink:
Clean sheets, everyday.
What dates are you vacationing?
Looking forward to seeing you all poolside, let the shenanigans begin. We have two cruises booked for the 23rd and the 28th. Meeting some good...
We arrive on the 22nd, we'll keep an eye out for ya. Boobs Cruizin on the 23rd.
Can't come quick enough, been working 80 plus hours a week. Really in need of some adult shenanigans. Keep an eye out for us, we'll do the same....
Robin&michelle Arriving may 22, departing june 1st. Doing 2 boobs cruises may 23 and may 28.
Hope you had a great vacation Sindy....