Day tripping in the country.
Ya it's not an international thing, probably more local then anything. Lol
Rocket pops, haha tequila shots and beer chasers.
Our dates are almost bang on, definitely gonna need to have a few rocket pops and maybe hug it out.
Hugs lead to cuddles.
I'm known as a free spirit and could be responsible for at least one divorce at Temptation.
For the $14 bucks it well worth it. I've seen a funhole full of laid back chicks turn in to straight up lesbians in about 3 mins after I...
We encourage group hugging.
Robin&Michelle, 12-22 of December.
Michelle and I will be at Desire RM Dec 13-23, open couple easy going and ready to enjoy all it has to offer.
TTR Bandits, heading to Desire to quench our thirst for sexyness. We arrive on the 13th of december and Depart on the 23rd.
Thanks so much, the support has been amazing all around. We are hoping for a miracle. My mom is heart broken, and so are we.
I and my family escaped from the fires twice, unfortunately my mother lost her house and unfortunately finds out she has no insurance. So far our...
Your a great looking couple, our trips overlap we arrive on the 12 and depart on the 19th sadly.
We'll save you a spot at the sexy pool.
Sindy is the hottest lady on Cancuncare, one of these trips I'll get the pleasure of meeting you. Your Biggest Fan, Robin
Arriving on the 12th and sadly departing on the 19th. Save some Milagro for me, it's our 8th wedding anniversary so we're gonna need your...
We're booked from August 12-19, looking forward to partying With all of you who can stay up past midnight.