I may get another motto for you later, but in the same line as Toyota and their *cough* acceleration issues, here's an informative video...
Oh, boy...:icon_confused: More Walmartians « You Got to be Kidding's Blog
:ernaehrung024: [ame=[media]&sns=em]YouTube - How Lord of The Rings Should Have Ended
Wow. Just wow. U.S. | April 08, 2010 Coots Matthews, Cantankerous Hellfighter, Dies at 86 By DOUGLAS MARTIN Mr. Matthews was a legend, like...
lol :daveandmo:
(at least according to the Houston Chronicle): Biggest Cinderella stories of all time With four schools (Northern Iowa, Saint Mary's,...
Your favorite comics like Get Fuzzy, Pearls Before Swine, Luann, Frazz, 9 Chickweed Lane and more. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] [IMG]...
Mariachi Mass, Mi Tierra (oh, the sweetbreads!!), my home town...which I miss very much *sigh* TRAVEL | April 04, 2010 36 Hours in San...
what, so the "usual" chatters have departed and now no one really gives a hoot about wishing each other a happy holiday? Christmas? Thanksgiving?...
Last month (January), the weather stayed so cold that the bald eagles were cruising over our houses looking for helpless cats to make a quick...
Umm...that's scary :blueshock: Just outside of Soldotna Alaska
Senior Death Warrants This very likely could happen..... then what do we do? Received this from a good friend of ours in Corpus who was...
that is one cool bird!
Really Cool... Phenomenal Wonders Of The Natural World … - Consider the Heavens
Get that lizard off the ceiling! If you leave it on the floor, it's in the dog's territory. [Pool cues/broom handles/baseball bats] are not...
I know a couple young ladies of my generation that were in loooooove with Fess and watched his shows religiously... -------------------- Fess...
On March 22, 2010 we officially celebrated the second annual “International Talk Like William Shatner Day.” For the uninitiated, International...
thanx! :icon_smile:
Any of you guys ever play Sentinel Worlds? Prepare for a flashback! [ame=[media]]YouTube - Sentinel Worlds
Think you may like this one.... Finally, a teacher who teaches 3rd graders a good song!!! After all the bad press over a few teachers who...