Please don't let the door hit and break our sex toys!!
Anything goes! I love to dress up as I wear scrubs everyday at home! So do what your comfortable with! Relax and have the time of your life!
It's our pleasure
one toy per couple
any type of sex toy is ok--be as provocative as you like!!
More details regarding the toy party!! there are 8 couples signed up so far-plenty of room for others the party usually starts approx 9:30--10pm...
Hello! We get in the day before so we will be ready for you! Look forward to meeting you we know u r great people and love to party if u know...
We have plenty of Halloween Whorrors bracelets to pass out we arrive on the 27th n will be giving them out. When Steve updates the roll call for...
We have used USA transfers a ton of times no problems at all! Hands down always perfect and yes they are a private transfer. In fact I booked...
To sign up /get info about the toy exchange party see the "Halloween week toy exchange party thread "
Well it is time!!! We are ready to get moving on the annual sex toy party.Yes we have had fantastic times in the past years.As noted we generally...
Woohoo! Awesome! Will be so great to see you both! Counting the days!
You guys know there is no way we would miss the boat--haha
Our Deposit is in --we are ready to Party!!!
1 month in 1 day in we will be at TTR for I believe our 16th trip losing tack now! We will be armed with our orange Halloween Whorrors/Cancun...
I totally agree but our nap after the cruise last year outlasted the Halloween Party at the resort!
Chocolate We always bring regular size candy bars in carry on and keep in fridge we don't eat them but the maids love to take them home to their...
Orange TTR bands Anybody at TTR on or after October 27th will have a Halloween Whorrors TTR band!! I will tell you now they are nice and stand...
Cancun Care/Halloween Whorrors bracelets are officially here! Can't wait to pass them out to old friends and meet new!
The Halloween Whorrors bracelets officially arrived today! Getting closer! See everyone soon! Tina