Good luck! Steve you know we were very concerned about you when we visited recently! I must say we are so happy that you are getting help now!...
261 working on 262 if I can get it to work! Good luck!
We did the exact same thing last October( splitting out time between Desire and TTR) totally agree with your assessment!!
Panties Seems I may have heard that somewhere before!
Hi! Send a PM we don't log in to check this enough hope we haven't missed u already or PM me on Facebook! Where are you headed and when?
Much better!! How are you guys?? Cold up here!
Some call us John and Tina but our really good friends call us docnnurse
In the past --if we found a toy we really liked --we bought 2. One for gift and one for us!!
We arrive at 1135 from Chicago on American. Hoping to be at resort around 1230. Have a private transfer using USA transfers!!! Can't wait only...
Between Kay and Tina --I have a sneaky suspicion we will have a a great time
The party is officially full Here is a brief summary: Date 10/30/12 Location--to be announced at the sexy pool--it will be in a private room...
Don't worry about wristbands-we are bringing orange Halloween Whorrors bands for all of the Cancuncare members that will be there when we are there
Any couples interested in joining our Toy exchange party please PM us and or see the thread regarding the Halloween toy exchange party there is a...
Yuo are right -you did have on more ladies swim suits than me -that is because by the time I came up from doing my work under water you had taken...
Oh by the way I forgot to mention to please not wrap your gifts until you get to TTR as you dont want TSA jerking around with your gifts!!
yeah as I recall we were all very embarrassed the last time we were all in the hot tub together
We have 16 couples confirmed so far(everyone above are definitely included) We have room for only a few more couples so if you know any couples...
More details regarding the toy party!! there are 8 couples signed up so far-plenty of room for others the party usually starts approx 9:30--10pm...
Great on the Crown--we dont usually drink alcohol --but I think we will try to make an exception this time--haha