Ira’s coworker $10000 a few years ago. It was just a regular coffee run, one of the boys went down and got coffees for the office and then...
Third version of themes! Take a look, let me know if you have any suggestions or objections and we will go ahead and call them final. We are just...
98 days till Octoberbreast!
Themes will be finalized in the next week or so. A few of us are going over them today and finishing them, we will leave them up for a week to see...
Anyone and everyone is welcome! We love to make new friends.
100 days till we arrive for Octoberbreast 2018!! Nikki
Haha! That’s hilarious. Thanks!
Allegedly, it’s throw back temptation now that it’s been more to Sunday. Yes, I know it’s dumb. Personally, I would do 80’s because I love neon...
Hell yeah! I will update the list!! Super bummed we leave on the 6th :( On an exciting note...FLIGHTS ARE BOOKED (and we are coming a day...
103 days till Octoberbreast!
These are the updated themes and my thoughts/questions to you guys. Please share your thoughts and we can lock down 2018 themes so we can shop...
I'm not even a little surprised but still bummed. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you guys even for a few hours. Ira and I will be there from...
Welcome @ORNURSE30 and your friend!! You guys are going to have a blast!! Cheers!!
Same. I think that was the only day that I had an actual lunch too. I wanted to take awesome selfie’s over the edge but I didn’t even look over...
Welcome to Octoberbreast!! You should drop by the thread and introduce yourself (let me know if you can’t find it) Awesome group of repeaters...
We had lunch there two weeks ago and there was maybe 20-30 people up there but as soon as lunch was over I was ready to get back to the pool and...
I love this idea in theory and I’ve thought about it myself... but I don’t understand why we would want to take the party away from the sexy pool?...
Yay! Welcome to Octoberbreast and the addiction!!! See ya there!!! Nikki
Theme night talk! Here are the ideas received and a first draft of ideas. Nothing is set in store but we need to start somewhere :) Everything...
Whoot whoot! Nikki & Ira!!!! Dates: September 27-October 6 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Helll yeahhhhh!!!!