I haven’t seen anything.
I’m trying to get a girls trip together for some extended long weekend in May ;) Nikki
I would suggest just checking the website regularly. I was lucky enough to book Halloween next year at $183/night on a referral this past Monday....
Suly on the far left and Leo on the far right ;) [ATTACH]
The new girl from Costa Rica is Suly.... i’m probably spelling it wrong because her name is actually quite a bit longer but it’s pronounced...
There is a special events calendar on the actual website for the resort and it does list a ‘tower takeover’ coming up but it said nothing about...
We have quite a few people that have decided to switch the dates with us and we are currently booked October 25 to November 3 ... maybe a day or...
Hey! Probably not because TBH I just had a death in the family yesterday but I will copy and paste something that I posted on Facebook. The trip...
Most of us will be gone home and not all people can go to the roof for free. Hopefully you can get some people. Good luck!
Haha! You’ll still be there before us...long day ahead.
Just arrived in the city we fly out of too! Whoot whoot! Flight leaves at 4:25am Cancun time!
36 hours till lift off!! Whoot whoot! Octoberbreast 2018!!!!!! Nikki
Haha! I like my number better ;)
44 hours!!! I can’t effing wait!! Nikki
See ya there!!!!
See ya there!! Nikki
Amazing! I just messaged Jessica to get your ticket numbers. Thank you so much for your donation <3
7 days!!!
Sent you a pm with the details!!
Sunday, Sept 30 look out for us at the sexy pool for a 50/50 raffle supporting Chinos Cause for Cancer. Jessica & Nikki will have 2000 hot pink...