I think you missed the point. Regardless of the topic, most people come here to read stories of peoples trips, connect with others and generally...
The only thing worse than a troll is a troll with a drug agenda lol Or Federales making a note of who is making positive comments and noting when...
We usually tip the maid 50pesos with a note saying Dos (or Tres) aqua por favor. The only day we only have one bottle in the room is the first day.
We would never go in March, seems like every year there's one or two stories like this and precious few positive ones.
I think one of the reasons they stop the music at 2:00 (apart from the staff) is so that people in the rooms around Paty'o's can get some sleep....
The missus has finally convinced me to take the course in town so we can get certified when we're down there in April. Not helpful to this...
The music has always stopped at 2:00. This was posted on the Facebook site too and I think the most interesting thing about it is people posting...
I'm pretty sure cameras are fine, in fact I seem to remember Chinos saying if you don't want your picture taken don't f'ing come or something. The...
I know, looks bad doesn't it? lol. So kindles are for the plane, iPhones get turned off the moment we get into the room and stay that way for the...
I can confirm that the lockbox will hold 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, 2 Kindles, a waterproof camera, a dive wallet, a decent sized ladies purse, a travel...
I've seen many cracks around the complex, mostly around the sexy pool area... wait, what... oh, never mind then.
Ali said it would take a few days on our first trip before the top came off, I went to the bar for drinks and came back to her being topless,...
Clearly you have never seen the local drivers of Cancun. Steve once posted some horror stories about rentals in Cancun and how the companies try...
They do not.
Why is this JackMight person resurrecting all these old posts?
Yes! I was just thinking that the only thing that would make my day complete was another round of the chair saving debate.
Condolences to the family, very sad to hear.
You have to keep them on but a piece of string is accepted it seems, I've seen quite a few ladies vajayjay jewelry over the years :)
Steve posts the schedule one month before, so Aprils should be posted around March 1. He bases them on the roll calls so make sure you're on...
None of the pools are heated but in April it doesn't matter, water is pretty warm, even after a night of dancing in Paty'os it's not bad and...