We would also be the type of virgin you are asking about (18th-24th).
I partied with a bunch of Scottish sailors in Greece back in my Navy days. Only time i don't remember how i got back to my ship :)
My plan has been to tell them we are not interested and if they persist i'm going to make up some shit about being in a suicide cult and that we...
Yay. My work-wife finally joined ..... oh that was the wrong smiley face. :)
That is the day i'm hoping for as well! Can't wait.
Pretty sure the 18th-24th time frame will be the best time to go :icon_biggrin:
I hear ya. My car said -9 when i started driving this morning. -3 when i arrived at my destination (heat wave!). These are the times when i...
The problem here is that you Ingram folk are just too fit and attractive. I suggest you park yourselves at a buffet somewhere until you are...
Count us in.
I voted for her. Bah! I thought i did but then it replied that i have to register on the site.
I was looking into these VIP tour things and can't seem to find one that goes to Coco Bongo. Was hoping for a CB, Senior Frogs, The City tour but...
Only resort i have ever been to is Excellence Playa Mujeres and that was November last year. Clouds kept pool on the cold side which spoiled the...
My wife Lora and I will be there June 18-24, 1st Time to TTR.
We won't be there until June. Is there an online beaver course available or maybe just a BED test like a GED for high school? How does one get...
We have only been to Excellence Playa Mujeres and it was a great resort but much tamer than TTR (from what i read so far; i will confirm in June...
The psychic friends network told me that there will be a cruise on Mon, June 22 and they are never wrong :)
I've got my Amazon cart full of all kinds of things my wife says are a bit too risque. 163 days to change her mind :)
Hello! My wife Lora and I will be there June 18-24, 2015 and another couple will be joining us on the 20th. We will all be newbies but from...