Sad we aren't staying at TTR but another resort since we're on a family vacation. Looks like we will be joining on for the BC on the 11 th though....
hey guys how have you been? Any thoughts on a mexican vacation?
Hoping we can make it on the 11th. Not staying at TTR but doing a family vacation and would be nice to have 1 adult day. Sent from my SCH-I545...
Billyg51, I understand the feeling of being bashed. Been there done that. I how that my insight was not taken on that way. Most of the people on...
Let's face the facts. You know this place is a party right? You have openly admitted your wife is a little hottie and you have also acknowledged...
So we're taking the family down to Cancun in July. The wife and I have done the all inclusive package at Dolphin discovery before but we are...
what is a boobs cruise???.. ONLY THE SINGLE GREATEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN POSSIBLY MAKE IN A VACATION!!! If you miss this event, you may as well...
BTW Steve, Yeah, we would grab 2 of those bubba mugs with the logos also. But I have two agree with Glenn&Monique that the towel Idea would be the...
And here I was gonna say that we'd buy em for ya and then we can meet up with you guys some weekend and hand em off! perfect excuse to get...
So I got to thinking seeing as though we are not able to make it to TTR or GOV this year due to budget issues, how far away are the people we have...
I am pretty sure they gave it up and changed it over to the couples contest
ok so did you head into the US on I90 through Buffalo, NY or did you take the long way down through Detroit? Whats your heading and are you just...
If you are making your way through Mpls, Mn you had better hit us up for a night on the town! It would suck to go another year without seeing you...
-don't be afraid to be the obnoxious one running up and down the halls with a crazy ass rubber chicken? :anon: - bring other "props" to instigate...
Don't suppose the newer ENT staff had to sign the "guest contact clause" in the contract? The same one Melissa wanted to wait to sign? Sent from...
Hey all lets not forget perception is one as far as what an individual see or wants to see and we all see things differently. Perhaps LadynTramp...
All I can picture is a woman stripping and wearing her jeans and shirt on her head like an Arabian sheik!... Then dancing on the table. Sent...
Valentina I need to ask... who is it that you answer to in Management at Oasis?? I think we all need the name and contact info so that we can give...
Same in Minneapolis, Mn. The determining factor is if there is liquor that is sold they can only go down to their underwear. In St.Paul and Inver...
LENNNNNNNIIII!!!! what the fuck did you go and do now???!!!! or are you doing???