We've been to TTR many times, Desire RM 3 times and our next trip March 29-April 6 we are going to split our trip between Desire RM for 4 nights...
Sorry we'll just miss you! We're at RM Mar 29-April 2 then heading over to try Pearl April 2-6. Have a great trip, you will love it!
March 29-April 2 at RM and April 2-6 at Pearl.
We're are Pearl April 2-6!
We've been to TTR 10+ times.. mostly before the reno, twice since the reno. We tried Desire while TTR was closed for that year and fell in love...
Oh and you are going to LOVE Desire!!! this is our third trip.. 9 nights! Can't wait!
Sexy or sexier whichever you prefer! We tend to do the buffet for dinner at Desire a fair bit, it's not as casual as buffet at TTR.
This time next week we'll be getting ready for our first of 9 nights! So ready for this vacation!
We've never been for NYE but would love for it to work out for us one year to go! I bet it's so much fun!
I think that when we got a taxi to Walmart, they waited and drove us back to TTR for around $20-30.
This is so heartbreaking and shocking to hear. Such a wonderful person and always smiling, the most genuine person.
I suggest making the call now to let them know, its much easier than waiting to do it at the airport on arrival.
Haven't been to Pearl yet, hearing mixed opinions on it, most say its really quiet.. boring, however like anywhere, it is what you make it. We...
I haven't ever heard anyone with issues doing this, USA Transfers are very professional and trustworthy. That said, personally, I wasn't...
If you aren't up for the stop to Walmart on the ride from the airport to TTR, you can easily get a taxi outside the resort that will take you...
Can't help you with that info, however we have used the resort laundry service without any issues, next day return.
Whatever makes you comfortable but the best results are when she can do totally naked. Every time I've had paint, she used tape to strategically...
We are looking at late March/early April, not booked yet. English only for us though :)
I'd give up a week of work right now to spend a week in the rain in Cancun.. just sayin lol
We were there a year and half ago (back next month) and I didn't see much action around the pool but I do believe it is permitted, the jacuzzi...