We get to TTR around noon. Going to make a real, real effort to escape the first day curse this time! Tell us when and where. We are fine with...
How about 7 or 730?
Wow.. Just went though those RC pics on page one. Sooo many familiar faces! Can’t wait to see you all again!
14-21! See you there!
Honestly I would be... Problem is... One of us typically falls victim to the first day curse! Id hate to plan a get together for 8 pm and be assed...
We have yet to try the new TTR, (5x old TTR vets) but I think Steve’s points sound pretty spot on. We are going in April like always. Although...
Looks like a ton of us arriving on the 14th! Anyone plan a big CCC meet and greet yet?
4/14-4-21... 73 days!!
Sounds great! Make sure you say hi to us at the pool! You’re going to love it!!
We are in for a room crawl on the 14th! Count us in!
You’ll be fine! You won’t find a more judgment free environment than what’s at TTR! As long as you guys like to party, you’ll fit right in!
4/14-4/21 2 of us Interested in boobs cruise: maybe
Yup! We can do that ABC night regardless!
Here’s my thing.. If you’re taking pictures in an area where there is no chance anyone else will be caught in the shot, by all means. We will...
If I remember correctly...Candy Necklace Bikini??!?!
Ok! My wife loves that one so that’s why I mentioned it. We will be down for whatever!
Looks good! I’d say, change super hero to Anything But Clothes (ABC Night) and we have a winner!
Yeah.. I’m with Jess. We arent going to TTR in April for a Halloween party!
That sounds fine by me.. If anyone knows the dates the resort is planning themes, feel free to reconfigure the calendar above!
Sunday: Sheer Monday: School Girl Tuesday: LBD Wednesday: Men’s White Dress Shirt Thursday: ABC Friday: Rave/Neon Saturday: BDSM Thoughts??