My flight shows a 9:25PM arrival .. I think that's the same one!!! I have advanced seat selection too .. I'll have to see if there are any spots...
Last time I went it was mostly Canadians and Americans ... with a excellent mix of UK and German as well!
I did!! LOL maybe I'll see you on the plane ! :D
holy crap!! I did the same thing too, booked at the beginning of Feb to avoid the fuel surcharges. I just hope I don't get moved to another...
Well ... I've used this name for 16 years now and it wasn't my idea ... sort of. For those who are geeky enough to remember when IRC was THE...
I'm heading there for business. I travel to Edmonton and Calgary quite often actually!
and speaking of Calgary ... i have to fly there tomorrow. Time to go buy some clothing (losing 50lbs is all fine .. except none of my clothes fit...
hey .. that is just how dedicated Vancouver is to its team ... if we don't win we throw a giant hissy fit and break shit. btw I hate NHL hockey...
naw ... we'll just make you wear a Flames jersey again ... after all NOBODY likes the flames ;)
Does that mean that you are gonna join us Keith?
Challenge accepted ;)
We shall indeed drink the resort dry of their sambuca goodness. I bet i can do it before you can ... 1 2 3 GO !:lotsofmichaelfs:
56 days for me !!!! :D
mmmmmmm Sambuca. I <3 Sambuca !!
20th works for me .. i'll just be getting started !!!
Last time i went i had one similar to this one: FinePix XP10 digital camera | Fujifilm Canada I had the previous generation of that camera but...
big time !!!! Its less than 2 months away but I've already checked out! People at work are tired of hearing about my trip ... its a good thing I...
i'm picking up one of these in a couple weeks PENTAX - Optio WG-1 GPS Gray it is a little more expensive ... but its an amazing camera. A...
good thing i'm going to Calgary in a few weeks .... i'll pick up a few cans and tuck them in my suitecase !!