I guess I should get myself on this list too!!! I'm there April 16th - 30th!
can't wait !!! yummers !!!!! btw thanks for organizing this Glenn and Monique! :clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy:
Done and done! This makes up for my last trip :D Yar!!!!!!!!!
I always travel with insurance ... and in some ways i'm covered by three different plans .. my CC, my Medical Coverage through work, and the...
Deposit paid for the 19th!!! hope i can get in on the 23rd one as well (space permitting of course)
I don't like Techno either ... but for what its worth, they don't actually play Techno at TTR ;) Techno is a small part of the Electronic Dance...
I used to dance similar to that ... no where near as fluid as this guy but still had decent flow. I'm a little outta practice though especially...
I just found out that one of my favourite restaurants in Vancouver closed a little while ago which is the same as the Rio ... Samba for those of...
If someone does catch you when you are admiring their breasts, explain to them that there are scientific :read: studies that postulate when men...
last time I went i wore a silk robe (looked like a smokers jacket) and silk boxers. seemed to go over well.
booyah!! 6 weeks !! ... oh wait, that means its 5 weeks and 6 days until i do the Vancouer Sun Run (10km).... which also means its 20 days before...
This'll be fun. I'll have to think up something new to do this year ... doing shots out of an inflatable donkeys ass is so two years ago!
w00t .. looks like my plan to go 2 times is going to work out! I'll be on the 19th and 23rd!
I'll be there from the 16th to the 30th!
i'm there for 2 weeks, so challenge accepted!
i'm working out my liver by having a few glasses of Scotch ... 15 y/o Bowmore to be exact. Soooooo yummy. i wonder if you can get decent...
no need to worry. When I get drunk I just start dancing ... the byproduct of being a DJ! Good to know that they'll point and laugh at me if i...
Toronto is way too "get up and go" where in Vancouver you are on West Coast time. Trust me, its WAY better out here. We don't get snow, or...
I just hope that I don't end up being one of those guys. Apparently I'm a riot when I'm drunk ... but I'm way too shy to start being a total...
clubs haven't played Techno in 15 years. Now its all House, Electro and Dubstep. "Techno" is just one small branch of the Electronic Dance Music...