Depends on how long you are going.... small suction cup hooks (for wet items) small single-use packet of laundry detergent, like Tide (gym...
If those don't work, there is prob no current promotion for DRM. Steve is good about updating the list. There is one for TTR, SUMFEST25. Next...
Desire Riviera Maya Latest Promo Codes First time we went to DRM we booked through the links on this forum (using the promocode on the link...
1. Room service is free in the tower (Bash), otherwise it's $5. 2. Room service is 24/7 but the menu changes during the day. Order through the...
I have never seen a drink menu (not saying there isn't one). Have a few in mind and make a request, usually the bartender can get it done....
w/knowwhatimean......June 18-25 at DRM (15-18 at TTR)
Desire allows some public sex: at the beds around the roof top hot tub and in the play room. It also occurs on the beach beds. It's not like...
In 2023 we received the money (they take a bunch for admin and transfer costs) in about four months. In 2024, it's been 6+ months and have not...
Guess where this old man is going in June of 2025 ? Have fun and stay safe. Maybe see you in June!
Desire Experience 1-888-211-3241 from USA & CAN LADA 800 MEX: 01 800 500 0587 Temptation Experience 1-888-299-7705 from USA & CAN LADA 800...
Yes, both are excellent, similar food and service at each. For what its worth....RM has a "beach" that is mostly private (blocked off to the...
Pool, hasn't changed, might be difficult to get a couple of chairs at the pool edge. Beach, I think anything is up for grabs. Bash, anywhere where...
We have never encountered visitax, never been asked, and wouldn't know how to even pay it if we wanted to.
1.. Great 2..Yes, it is lively. There is a quiet pool if you want to read 3. All days are great/cant tell a Saturday from a Wednesday
Not familiar with the "heavenly" qualifier. Original group is pushing out a lot of special bookings. Normally, a person (not a member) who books...
Yeah..., yawn.. These are "fun" now, not "sexy". Of course, it's what you make it. But not too excited. Going to miss Burning Land....
Book to Temptation? Use a referral or find the cheapest off site quote...trivago, priceline, expedia, etc. Screen shot the final price,...
Much cheaper but not all inclusive, no food or drinks? Just a kitchen. Stop at Walmart and get some frozen pizzas and a bottle of tequila?
You'll fit in. There are plenty unattached guys (bachelor parties, bro trips, etc) that wander around looking bored who you can party with. Many...
Burning Land (Tuesday)..... Google apocalyptic/steam punk/Burning Man costume then maybe throw in a little BDSM (or a lot of BDSM) and all is...