Hey yall.. We arrive the same day!!!!! Cant wait to meet you both and have some drinks in the sexy pool!!!! ~H
Rusty and I will be there the 10-15th!!! Look for us so we can share a drink!!! ~H
Awe.. Thanks Kevin!!!! ;)
6 Weeks and 3 days.. And I have bought NOTHING!!!! Gotta get on it! ~H
What are your dates again? ~H
We will be there from the 10-15th!!! See yall both in the sexy pool!!
I know!!! I will start this weekend!!! ;) Do yall already have all of your theme night stuff?
2 Months... Rusty and I arrive on the 10th! See yall in the sexy pool!!!! ;)
2 Months!!! Rusty and I arrive on the 10th.. see ya in the sexy pool!!!
2 Months.. Rusty and I will see ya on the 10th!
Rusty and I arrive on the 10th.. We shall see ya in the sexy pool!!!
2 Months and I have not started shopping yet!! ;-) ~H
10th - 15th for Rusty and Hailey.
See you in September!!! ~H
We are officially booked!! September 10-15!!!! Ready to make this the most epic trip yet!!! ~H
Vodka and Pineapple! ~H
Hello!!! Absolutely! Look for us when you arrive and we will take some Shots!!!!! See you in the Sexy pool!!!!
Rusty will!!! Bahahahaha!!! Love that pic!