Miss you both!!!!!!!!!!! We have booked September 2017! Hope to see yall there!!! ~H
Miss me yet??????????? ~H
Only 4 weeks and 6 days away! Cant wait to see you all there!!! ~H
Do you think the plane can handle us?
We should be at the resort about 1pm on the 10th! :)
Rusty and I are 10-15th!!! Be sure to say hi!
I dont know but its going to be NUTS -R
Hey.. We arrive on the 10th so we have 1 day that will overlap!!!! Hope to see yall in the sexy pool!!! ;) ~H
Welcome to the Craziness!!! Rusty and I will be there 10-15th! Be sure to say hi!
Rusty & I are booked!!!! Can't wait to get naked and crazy!!!!
I am your first visitor message!!!!! ;) Look for us on the 10th.. Pink yeti cup that says Hailey!!! ;)
Yes your picture is showing up. And I believe it's on the main page. :)
Welcome!!!!! We will be there from the 10-15th!!! ~Hailey
Stopping by to say Hello to two of my favorite people!!!!! See you in 4 short weeks!!! MUAH ~H
Look for my pink yeti cup with Hailey on it.. LOL!!! or the Spunky hat! ;)
why yes we do!!!!!!! ;)
I am getting excited too!!! Only 4 weeks away!!!! Miss yall too. ~H
I know!! No more not saying goodbyes! This is gonna be a blast!!!
Sweet!! We land at 10am!! Keep an eye out for us!!! ~H
It's getting closer and closer!!!!! Ready to be in the sexy pool!!!! ~H