it's our first time so for the first few days we might not know everyone , I'm sure it will be fine I'll just grab one early :) plus I normally...
ye just want somewhere to dump my crap
i get that Paty O's seems to basically be a bar/club but what is Nice Shoes ? seen it mentioned several times but not 100% sure what it is and...
yay bring on 2013 lol
I hope u all go back next September will be our first time 4th to 18th and be great to make some friends first x
that's what I have done! is it worth it then , more comfy? never gone long hail with Thomas cook but kinda hoped a two row would be ok x
thanks everyone :) x
maybe we should set up a cancun care towel group , 14 couples and each couple takes one day to reserve lol
will def need to get up early then !!
I don't need good chairs really cause we spend all day at swim up bar, just need somewhere to put our crap :)
should say we going in September, is that busier or quieter than july? and 10am is fine can live with that:) x
lol yes I do love my bed :D x
I found Thomas cook was cheapest for next year, Thomson are only doing hotels that have agreed to be exclusive to them from 2013. for two weeks in...
so.... what time is the latest I can get to the sexy pool and get two beds together? I don't like getting up putting a towel down then back to bed...
might see u there then we r going 4th to 18th x
what for September time or just in general for next year?
thanks for all your replies but i have discovered that i can buy 400 mayfair on plane for £38. so will get 400 each ( which i belive is maximum u...
they r cheaper in Mexico, if not in hotel how much is a cab to cancun? thanks :)
hey got another question :) how much are ciggies at temptation? (something like Mayfair) cause the hotel we go to at Rivera maya charge £50 for...
hi all! wondered if anyone else was freakishly organised as me and Booked for September 2013 yet? will be our first time there :D xxx