Hi Whitney, Okay, I know some of the regulars are not going to agree here, but as a newbie I'd have wanted someone to tell me to keep in mind...
Most of us dress in "normal" clothes ( "normal" meaning "way shorter and tighter than I'd ever wear at home) and then change into theme wear after...
If you go to our profile and then our media tab, we have pictures of some different theme nights, girls and guys (you may meed to go back a few...
I understand why you asked, though. I've been to topless optional Resorts where women only took their tops off when they were lying down...
I'm not sure if you are just looking for Scenic, safe photo spots, or if you are looking for cool excursions, but there are so many fun things to...
We have to be careful, too, so we just say we're going to The Oasis because there are something like 6 of them so we don't have to worry about...
Weird things I'm glad I brought: Pens ( for filling out Customs forms while you're still in the air so you can get through customs as quickly as...
On our last trip, we arranged to have a pasty exchanged through this site. Then, all of us wore out pasties that evening with no problem whatsoever.
Probably not great. There aren't a lot of single females there, usually. You'll find lots of friendly couples and groups willing to hang out, though.
Sounds like your wife and I are very similar. We booked TTR because friends of ours found it. We knew it was "topless optional" when we booked,...
This is just a little heads-up to Steve and Chinos more than anyone else, but the last BC we were on, July 2016, there was a woman behind me who...
Best kept secret...real stripper heels! They have rubber bottoms for traction, padded soles for comfort, and the high platforms make them actually...
Okay, just playing Devil's Advocate because you're totally right you could just take pics in your room and leave the camera there--but would you...
This is such awesome advice, but can I add one tip? Tell someone else (maybe someone who looks like they really need to hear it?) "Damn, you're...
I'm a writing teacher, and I'm giving you an A+ for this report. You've absolutely nailed the experience of a Boobs Cruise and answered every...
Looking forward to meeting you! I think there's been some talk with some of our group about the yacht, too. Not sure how many it holds, but maybe...
I've always taken lots of pics--of us and our group. I hope it's obvious to anyone in the vicinity that I'm aiming at people who are intentionally...
#347--Good luck!
We'll be there July 18-24, so we overlap a few days. I'm not worried about the pool being cold, but it sounds like it's going to be way too deep...
You mean a dish to pass, like a casserole, right? :p