Unfortunately, I haven't been since the remodel, so I'm hoping that their new emphasis on attracting a younger, hipper clientele doesn't change...
Seems to be some differences in all the different lists going around. We're there July 18-24. and I know there was a Mardi Gras night in there...
Age doesn't matter--attitude is everything. I'd rather party with an open-minded, fun-loving 100-year-old who loves a good joke and tells a good...
I (Laura) had just finished winning the Miss Temptation contest with a rather spectacular (IMHO :p) performance, topless, when Todd came up all...
I'm a total lightweight, and I don't like wasting a minute of vacation feeling gross, so I alternate and day drink one day, night drink the next....
Please don't ever feel like you "have" to do anything at TTR--the whole appeal is that it's a place where you can show up however you WANT to. The...
Keeping the picture countdown going....I think our theme was "Assless Glow Night" here: [IMG]
Awesome picture a friend caught of Todd's winning belly flop! [IMG]
We did this once, and loved it! Count us in!
Anyone remember Jim the chicken? Here he is on a Boobs Cruise! [IMG]
Good friends of ours just spent ten days at TTR, and we got to spend Saturday night picking their brains about the changes. First off, they loved...
The epic pic isn't showing on my end
Okay, theme night ramblings.... Past years when we've done naughty school girl, the guys have joined in with "T-shirts that would get you a...
Great idea, Traco! Makes it a lot easier for me to follow the planning when it's broken down to subgroups...my head was spinning from so many July...
Had to give a shout out to a guy who can use (and spell) "perspicacious" correctly! Not a word one often associates with titties and beer, LOL!...
Steve has a great link for theme and sexy wear in the stickies at the top of this forum page. I've had my best luck with Yandy--can't believe how...
I love tbis, Lindilou. Thank you
An important point: what might feel like "ribbing" to one person may feel like "pressure" to someone else. You have to know yourself/your wife....
Sheer dresses and skimpy lingerie are fine at Bash. Most of us wear something different to dinner, then change into our theme wear afterward.
Happy Honeymoon! If the OP doesn't tell Tim I'm in the lobby looking for him by Friday, would you guys do it for me? ;) (Of course, I'm really...