The resort recently changed its theme nights. There's no bedtime bash anymore-they moved throwback to Sunday instead. They changed Thursday to...
You hooked me with that title, for sure! Check out "Stroke Me" by the same guy--falls into the "so bad it winds up being great" category ;)
We're in for Naughty School Girl on the 19th for sure. Also, we're going with Mardi Gras on Sunday-purple, green, gold, beads, masks, sparkles,...
Just booked for the July 20 cruise :D
Not sure I want to crush the fantasy, here, but I've been to teachers' conventions. Picture turtlenecks, sensible shoes, and button earrings while...
I haven't been since the renovation, so I can't comment on any of the particular restaurants, but as for typical women's dress to them, it's kind...
Oh my god...just noticed that my autocorrect turned "superheroes" to "superherpes." I feel so judged!:p:p
The resort got rid of pajama night completely and moved throwback night. There's a good calendar in the nakify July facebook that i can't figure...
Another teacher here, and it's totally true! We have to be demure and "respectable" at home, so when we get a chance to let loose, it's full...
Less than a month, and this crew will be there![IMG]
I only buy 1 each year to add to the collection to keep the cost under control :-) Nothing dries down there, though, so I take a minimum of three...
Five weeks! And a gentle reminder to plan for some photos you can share so your friends don't get suspicious! ;) One of our most ridiculous--on a...
As everyone said above, meeting the great people who go to TTR is the highlight. However, if you're not used to the TTR mindset, it can be a...
Most people don't put on theme wear until after dinner when they're heading to Bash. Anything goes for dinner. Some people go casual with just...
Six weeks from today, and we'll be there! (And it's been way too long...let's bring the picture countdown back!) :rolleyes: [IMG]
MandEOntario--you found your Monty Python fan here! Literally spewed pop out my nose as soon as I saw the stills from "The Tobacconist." Jolly...
....and just when I'm ready to start shopping, they go and change the theme nights on us. Looks like the Bedtime Bash night is now Throwback, and...
From the wife's perspective, I think it's a ton more fun and a lot more comfortable to dress for theme nights as a team. I think when one person...
Pardonthefun, I love your attitude, and I think you'r absolutely right!
Thanks for posting! Okay, so, June 21 is glow with hats and heels and June 22 is Mardi Gras (masks, beads, purple, hreen and gold....) or pajamas?