Thanks Steve. We are three weeks out from our trip to Pearl. We will not plan on leaving the resort this trip.
We are there 8-12
I love opening Cancuncare and seeing the snowflakes. Melissa
We usually say Secrets, it is next door to RM. Some people have said oh my god you stay at a place like that and we say it is like a Sandals...
We're in and already have the room booked
Pearl Feb 8-12 Just the two of us
8th-12th for us but we'll be at Pearl.
No longer a boot. Full cast for three weeks. Now waiting on one of those knee scooters to arrive since crutches are horrible.
And we are out now. Melissa broke her foot at Pearl last week and she's in a boot. Now waiting to see if she will be requiring to have pins inserted.
I got our room booked and will be ready to get up there are have a great time!
Hotel Desire Pearl October 1-5 Desire RM October 5-9 2 in group Possible yes on Boobs cruise depending on day
We'll be there even though it's a week after we get back from Cancun. Eden is a great club.
Boots are fine, but you will find them to be very hot there. My husband has some docker type shoes he wears.
It is that and sooooo much more. WE LOVE DESIRE!!! Melissa
Don't worry about the whole LS thing, not everyone who goes is into it. We love going and are in the LS, but have met many, many wonderful people...
You will see a lot of the guys wearing linen pants and nice shoes. The Italian and Asian dress code states that men have to have closed toed shoes...
Darin & I will be joining in this year. Unlike last year our daughter will not be having a bridal shower on the dates you guys will be here....
Looks like we'll be missing you guys by a week this year.
Awesome, we've missed you guys the last two years! We will be at drm Oct 5-9
You do realizethe resort will be closed for renovations during that time.