Last year was the ladies most extreme thing yet. Some of them coordinated colors on their bottoms in the pool. Other than that they have always...
Actually our group doesn't want to put that much effort into it.
Trish you can order those and pay extra for them.
Themes are always good but this group is nothing like the Junkies when it comes to them.
We were there in October and tge sin room was not near as popular as the Jacuzzi area. Both can be quite fun.
We'll be down there Memorial Weekend, just not TTR.
Welcome to the group.
In the fridge they have dos equis and sol at the bar. In October they even have coors & bud for Octoberfest.
Maybe you need to do the presentation and then get the free day trip over to see us at Pearl instead! We'll save TTR for Octoberbreast.
Nikki Columbus day isn't really a holiday here. Most peole don't get the day off, just government employees basically. But we can hope for a great...
The newbies will need tour guides!
Not sure who all is onboard with the split trip so far this year. We are doing it without a doubt. We wish we would've listened to Kyle and went...
Melissa and I are checking out Pearl over Memorial Day. So in October we are planning 3-4 days at TTR and 4-5 at either of the two Desire resorts....
Looks like most are planning on arriving Sept 30th or October 1st. Plus you may want to consider doing a split trip with several of us.
Welcome to the group. Check in often to see what is going on. Especially after May since that is when the group really starts posting a lot more.
Our first trip I was soooo nervous about everything. Melissa wasn't, she pulled her top off the exact minute we reached the pool. After an hour on...
Down in Houston a few days and got to watch the game with Ken and Ann Marie. Always great to see Octberbreasters and have a few beers. I'm hoping...