trips Will the resort setup the trips to eco park or are you on your own? What do you miss at the resort if you go on the booze cruise? Is the...
water Does the resort supply bottle water?
Ready to go Janna and I are ready to go. I have checked out at work. Next week will be the longest week ever. Does every one plan on dressing for...
question about stay We are staying in May. I have read some reports on other sites about rooms being loud at night due to discos and clubs on...
2 weeks 2 weeks until we are there - How many of yall will be dressing in PJs for the casino night on week of May 8th? I hope everyone here....
go for it
nice shoe We are looking forward to the Nice Shoes events - hopefully the May gruop will fire things up- I need lots of poeple at the PJ night so...
nice shoes thanks for the help with the clothing. I say Nice Shoes is open now - what type of music do the play? top40 salsa( we are getting...
Early May Early May is starting to pick up What type of music do they play at Nice Shoes? Salsa top 40
What to wear Janna and I were discussing clothing for the trip. Of course I want her to dress as sexy as possible but she is worried that she...
May 6th to 11th We are on board for May and cannot wait to get away from Texas for awhile
questions We will be at temptation May 6yh - May 11th I hope ya'll can help me with a few questions We do not like to go to crowded clubs, Do...
May 6th-11th we are a couple from Texas celebrating wifes B-day and 19th wedding anniversary-- It is our first trip to Temptation How do you...