Hey you two looking forward to meeting up wih some fun people. I'm going to have to think of something to wear to make myself more idetifiable ot...
Sweet,... I'll have to find something to make myself more identifiable. We're only there for 1 complete day, so I don't know if using that for...
We're down for the schoolgirl on the 5th. Jwoww,... what is the website with 50% off costumes?
If you're planning on doing the body painting on monday (4/5) or Tues (4/6) Count us in !!!
Fitzher,... you need to add an avatar so we know who to grab drinks with when we get there. Glow in the dark sounds fun,... so does the school...
YES !!!! Naked Volleyball indeed at 2pm, Count us in on that too !!! We'll be at the court 2pm on Tuesday (4/5/11).
Now are we talking reular twister or the naughty variety?
Love the twister idea,... COUNT US IN !!!
BTW,.... we're bringing a Hookah down with us,... should be fun (sorry all only legal smokin')
We're down for anything,... we're anything but shy. Schoolgirl, hell my wife went to catholic school for 8 years, bet she wears the plad skirt...
So do you think there will be a big / good crowd on a Tues around the pool. Do they do games and liven things up on the weekdays?
Hello All, My wife and I are going to Temptations for a real quick fun time Apr 4-6 (Then we're meeting up with a bunch of people in Playa Del...