Flight gets in at 3:30,... drinks at the sexy pool by 4:30 (assuming no red light in customs) 3.5 weeks and counting !!! :headbanger: J n H
Sooooo jealous,... we get in on the 4th... Arrrgg !!!
Looks like the 75% off just ran out,...it was plastered on the home page just a couple of days ago. You might try calling in again,... I tried...
Halloween Costumes for Kids, Teens and Adults - Halloween Wigs - SpookShop.com Here's the shop that's been floating around for sexy school girl...
oops,.. still early here in California "volunteers", spelling corrected...
I'm going with a Kilt, I'm assuming more "interesting" things can happen late at night in the bar with a kilted man than a nerd. -Joel
Mine says "there's a shot on the bar here,... any volenteers for a body" -Joel Heather's says "mine, mine, over here, I have body to do a shot...
We're down with a flag day also. Although our only full day at the pool is the 5th. If it happens then,... GREAT !!!! Otherwise, everybody...
Hmmm,.... Kilt,... never would have thought of that. I have one of those... Could make things interesting,... now underwear or not???
Hi, When are you planning on going to TTR? We'll be there only two nights, 4/4 and 4/5. Hopefully we'll see you there to share a cocktail and...
We're down for the green day at the pool too. Tuesday (4/5)?
Guess you'll just have to wait and find,... friends are always fun in the dark... BTW per Monique/Glenn We'll throw out these two... Glow...
How about body painting (glow optional) on the 4th and you guys can do conventional glow night on the 6th... Thoughts?
my vote would be the forth,... but that's simply because we won't be there on the 6th. Se la vi (spelling?)
LOL,... good one Brewster,... I think they are located in the front pectoral area.
We're going to do body painting for Monday night with "fitzher" if anybody else wants to join in... Glow in the dark body painting anyone...?
We ended up buying two because the prices were reasonable and we were worried about the size. We could bring both if the sizes work out......
Jwoww thanks for the web site hook up !!! Alright girls time to go shopping,... time to get your sexy on !!!
How about Glow in the dark body paint !!! Best of all worlds. By the way,... we just bought this for Heather last night. [IMG]
Hell, if the girls are doing a school girl outfit,... what are the guys going to do? Maybe I'll dust off my Hula Girl outfit from the Jimmy...