Make sure to pack your GermX or Purell Hand sanitizers. They contain alcohol which kills the virus. If we all keep our selves clean, we should be...
Thank you for your concern and financial analysis. :cheerleaders:
May be all of us June junkies should complain to management and open up some reserved chairs. Imagine if we all reds stopped going to TTR. That...
Super report. thanks!
See you guys at sexy pool on 6/15:lurking: keep the drinks ready as we will be very thirsty
We are in the same boat. So much to do at work but concentrate...
How about some drunken gummy bears for the June Junkies party? :aktion070::aktion070:
Looks like it is going to be a great party!
Seven more long sleeps before TTR. This is long.
Its raining like crazy in Tampa. Weather alert woke us up at 3:15 AM with a Tornado warning. Thank God everything is safe. Where are the shots!!!
Thank you for the advise. We will party rain or shine.
We cant wait to see you two again and party. Keep the drinks ready!! LOL
We don't have a Jacuzzi room. So we hope that it won't rain or else would mess our vacation. :icon_sad::icon_sad:
We arrive on the 15th at 3:10 PM and the sexy pool by 4:45 for the party. Can't wait to meet all the June Junkies.
Thank you for the great idea. We will do that today.
We are sooo ready to party. Two more weeks!
Cant wait for the Tequila Volley Ball
Can't wait for the Tonado Party at TTR! Hope we have good weather during the party.
Sounds like a big choice. Thanks for the info. What is your favorite?:lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs:
What are the best drinks/shots at TTR and the drinks to avoid?