It will be fun, !!!! ;)
Hey guys, we will be there 16th - 25th Check out August Facebook we are codyandjen on there.. (Fake names);) Love to get to know a few people...
We will be getting there the 16th leaving 25th Check out August Facebook we are fake names there codyandjen
Hey guys, we will be getting to ttr same day as you guys.. Check August ttr on Facebook we are under fake names there lol ( codyandjenjones )
Hey guys, what dates are u going to be at TTR ? Where do u guys live ? We are in Nebraska..
Hey guys, when are u guys going to be in cancun? We will be there August 16th - 25th We were wondering the same about how to know or be known...
Hey guys 16th - 25th See you guys in cancun
You can put us down, 16th - 25th
Hey guys, We will be at ttr in aug. Where are you from in Nebraska ? We are s of Lincoln.. We are going to be at ttr 16th to 25th
Hello, we will be there 16th - 25th
Sounds good, hey pm us a pic so we know who we are talking to
It's still early... :) we will be there !!
Aug 25th for 9 days... Can't wait !!!
Hello all you sexy Aug TTR people... We will be there 16th to the 25th
Hey guys, Thanks for the kind words lol Any chance you guys are planning a trip to ttr in August ? We would love to meet understanding fun people...
Thank u guys... We are the least uptight people but obviously ruffled some feathers with our opinion.. Lol We will have fun no matter what.. We...
We will be there the 16th - 25th first trip..
We will be there August 16th - 25th, this will be our first trip to TTR
Hey guys, we saw a thread you posted "best time to go to temptations" Sounds like you guys might be thinking about going same time as we are...
Hey guys, we will be there aug 16 - 25th we might see u 1 day before you leave !!!