We-ve been to both. Once to Desire and seven or eight to Temptation. Guess which we enjoyed the most? But seriously, both are great fun, we did...
Planning on going June 7 - 12, but seems no one is going those days, LOL!
Looking forward to get the party started
Who the heck comes to a place like Temptation to slut shame people? We´re all in for fun sluttiness and we say the sluttier the better. We come to...
I messed up my dates. Don´t know why I posted Nov. 16 - 23 when we are actually going Nov. 19 -26 (guess I want to be there sooner) Already asked...
Hi guys, Nov. 19 - 26 and we´ll be bringing a very fun newbie couple from Dallas and probably another couple. This will be our sixth trip to our...
Oops! I had my days wrong, I posted Nov 16-23 and it actually is Nov 19 - 26 :eek:
Hi guys! First drinks on us ;P
Dates: Nov. 16 - 23 Number in Group: 6 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Hell yeah! Bringing two newbie couples this time.
See you there Nov. 16 - 23. Can´t wait!
I recommend you start making friends in different threads like the Roll Call for the month you are going and there´s also another thread of single...
We´ve also seen an increase in packs of Single guys. We don´t mind groups of two or three single guys as they are mostly respectful of women but...
A little late but Intejet is a very known airline in México, very reliable and affordable. We´ve flown with them lots of times and have not had a...
Definitely TBT and MexFest, Bedtime Bash is a close third but mainly because we think it´s not presented well. Who want to see loose PJ´s there,...
Just booked for Nov. 16 - 23, this will be our 6th trip and this time we´re bringing 2 newbie couples. Looking forward to seeing all of you there.
HOLY COW! Place is looking awesome! November can´t get here soon enough. Hopefully we can squeeze a weekend in august but doubtful.
We´re booked sept 14-21 but we´re considering moving it to Sept 18th to 25th to be there for the last party if rooms are still available.
Our 6th trip is in 40 days, can´t wait!
Mexico24´s review sounds pretty good, but if I´m coming from Europe I´d want the sure thing and in our opinion Desire is the place to be. But if...