Just extend your stay...shame to see extra outfits go to waste!!!!
We participated in some, but not all themes last year, and plan the same for this year. Whether you do or don't really won't matter. April is an...
If you have been to Saskatchewan, Alberta, or even Ontario and Quebec in February, you know why there are so many of us there in April!!!...
Well said everyone. I think we would all agree, that if all that was important was great food and perfect accommodations, we'd just stay home....
Such sad news. Our condolences to the family. Horrible way to be reminded that bad things can happen, even on vacation, and we all need to be careful!
Kudos if you have the courage to do it! Naughty school girl may be a challenge. The sites the wife has been shopping on suggest the sizes are...
Any friends of yours, are good by us!!!!
When all else fails, shorts and golf shirts. Maybe I am just not creative enough, but for some reason, most of my theme night outfits includes 1...
That's why all my wife's bottoms are new, and her tops are ancient. Makes it interesting in the summer, when she tries to explain why the colour...
Wow; 48 days to go...believe it or not, it can kind of creep up on you! A couple more weeks and we'll start our pre-trip tanning, and that is when...
Thanks for the friend request; happy to accept. Our paths will cross for a few days in April. Look forward to saying hello.
I am going to take a shot in the dark here and say April!!! LOL
Hey Sally I (Ginny) know exactly what you are talking about with the trying on. I have not tried the items I have had delivered so that I don't...
Actually because my amazing husband truly was a Life Guard in his younger years he would also be able to make sure you don't drown. The guiding is...
Thanks for doing this again!!!!!
Unfortunately we will have left the day before your foam party day, or I would offer my services as your foam party guide...I'm certified...so you...
Unfortunately we'll miss you all together; we don't land until the 10th. Shame; it's not everyday you get to meet someone with their own calendar....
I (Gord) agree, just got my school girl outfit in the mail, when I put it on, it didn't look anything like it did in the pictures!!!
My wife's thongs have arrived, and we have 49 days to go...which is quite the coincidence since the packaging for her swim bottoms indicate that...
We should all start referring to it as the "kid factor". If your children aren't at least a little shocked by your outfits, than they're not...