Friends we're travelling with are celebrating an Anniversary on the 13th. Should be a great day!!!!
Looks like the first week folks are setting the bar fairly high for those of us arriving for the second and third weeks...a little concerned there...
30 days before April And all through the lands People are excited And making their plans I in my board shorts And my wife in her thong Have...
40 days to go; mild weather the last few days melted most of the snow, lifting our spirits heading into the final stretch before TTR. But alas,...
Our backyard is covered in snow, but when ever I am hungover I make a point of getting up really early, stumbling into the backyard and reserving...
That's what I love about April. Full of team players. Lol
42 days to go, or for those keeping count; 7 days after MrandMrsHotwife's and 4 days after Unicornhunter's calenders end!!!!
It's amazing how us guys may forget to apply sunscreen regularly, but God forbid we let any of you ladies suffer from burnt boobs. Sunscreen...
First let me say I am not intending to insult anyone, or criticize anyone's individual choice of candidate, but after watching the Republican...
We start tanning 4 weeks out. Problem I have is, of all the things I want to remember to do when I am at TTR, applying sunscreen as often as I...
"if you're a girl, pretty much do whatever you want", Okay so that's the one and only thing about TTR that's not different from everywhere else in...
If you must, we'll just have to rough it. Somebody give me a hand here; what day and month is it...I've got to get my bearings!
We know we have 39 more calendar pics from MrandMrsHotWife to go, but I fear for those of us who have additional time to wait; destined to wander...
Will it loose its' erection by the time it's shipped to you?
Sizes weren't Ginny's problem, but the sewing was crap. Other than the "Stag Shop", not a lot of options in our area, and their selection is very...
My wife just sent 2 outfits back (they were damaged and flawed), and she ordered 4 more to replace them. I know, I couldn't figure out that math...
John; I am imagining just how the conversation with Michelle went. Michelle: "we can go where you want, as long is there is no Tequila to be...
With people coming and going, the toughest thing will be picking a night where as many as possible can participate. Bigger is better, at least... who's bringing the tequila?
Hope there is a date that can be worked out, shaping up to be a huge party!!!!