Not long now... only 3 cross over days, but that is better than nothing!c
17 days to go! Tanning and packing started. Pre-vacation cold in full swing (it's a tradition), but it is a small price to pay!!!
19 days to go! Now that we're into fingers and toes territory, I can continue to countdown without the need for visual aids, but by all means,...
The 12th should be a blast!
With any luck, exactly 21 days from right now we'll be heading down to the sexy pool! I know many of you may be wondering how I can be so accurate...
Certainly well stocked!!! Maybe you should be more appropriately refered to as, "Shotofwhipcreamcouple"
Best laid plans....couple of weeks ago we were enjoying a Saturday night with some TTR friends. After way too many rye n cokes, I got in a...
Will do for sure!
23 days to go...thank God!!!!
Travel pkgs to TTR should include flight, room, and outfit allowance. LOL
Absolutely, We'll be watching for you. What day do you arrive again? We're there the 10th-20th.
Definitely, as others have said, don't worry about it. We all do the best we can, but age and life rarely cut us any slack. We both struggle with...
It's just not the same for us guys! You ladies dress in lingerie and it magically turns back the clock; you all look so sexy. I do lingerie night,...
26 days to go. I am so excited I can't even blink!
Totally understand Steve's rules, and respect them, but without the countdown pics my life has spiralled into total disarray. I am constantly late...
Thanks Mike; you're making me blush. Gord
Is it okay to say sucked? Did he just get bleeped...did I just get bleeped for asking whether he got bleeped? Am I still on the air...someone give...
Has it ever! Apologies to Steve, sorry that he had to take his time deleting all of our inappropriate contributions. No excuses, but when it comes...
That's just horrible. I can't believe they would post a picture dressed like that. She's left the tags on the boots! For those of you that can't...
I work on a computer all day long. Who ever invented the minimize tab must be an April CCC member! LOL