See you two in a week... travel safe!!!!
F__ked up shoulder and bad knee be dammed, bring on the party. I'm with you buddy!
Right behind you... in 24 hrs we'll be on the plane!
We leave in 24 hrs...see you guys in a week. Safe travels!
Xmas Merry Christmas:wave:
Excited It is so awesome to see everyone so excited. Save some alcohol for us. Lol Safe travels. Ginny
Have a safe trip, and we'll see you Sunday!!!!!
2 days to go, and trying to care of the last minute details, but wait, got some snow tonight. My shovel is refusing to retire for the season, as...
Have a safe trip down Saturday you two. We'll see you on Sunday!!!!! Gord
Snow Donald you guys must have got the snow we where supposed get. They said 10cm for us but we just got a lot of rain. Needless to say Gordie...
No more snow No more snow. Rules at our house are I do inside he does outside. Actually we have been lucky this year and not had a lot of snow.
Excited Ok I am getting excited now. I only have 3 sleeps left as we fly out Sunday early. I really only have 2 because Saturday night we have...
3 days to go. Saturday A.M. the dogs go to the spa for 11 days, and I work one last day. The day before vacation should be a stat holiday....
Welcome to the Forum. Our paths will cross. We're there from the 10th-20th.
BOURBON LIFE; We pray Tim's father does improve, and not having to cancel your trip would be an added bonus, but certainly not what you are...
4 days from right now we should be at the airport, hoping for the green light, so we don't lose anytime catching our transfer and getting the...
We're packed my friend...just counting the minutes. Saturday can't come soon enough!
What Monkey?
There you go again Donald. Dashing the hopes of many an April Addict lady!!!! LOL
To all those heading to TTR in the next day or travels, and we'll see you on Sunday. Be sure to say hi!!!!